Meet Sparck Technologies on Stand 508
About Sparck Technologies
Most people in the logistics sector will know the name “Packaging by Quadient” and will be familiar with our revolutionary fit-to-size packaging systems, CVP Everest and CVP Impack. However, in the last few weeks our name has changed to Spark Technologies, and now, with the backing of our new owners, Standard Investment, we are poised to take the business forward, strengthening our position in the UK, Europe and the US, with further technological innovations and customer support initiatives.
Why did we decided to exhibit at Robotics & Automation 2021
With labour now a scarce resource in the UK, businesses will need to invest in and embrace automation to keep pace with customer demand. Packaging and despatch operations within the eCommerce sector have been heavily dependent upon freely available labour, but now automation that is able to streamline packaging processes by making individual packages to the optimum size of the order, at tremendous speed, holds the key to increased capacity and business growth. As makers of this advanced form of fit-to-size packaging technology, we need to demonstrate to these businesses the huge advantages that come from this technology and there can be no better forum than Robotics & Automation 2021.
Our technology
With the capability to tailor-make up to 1,100 packages per hour, for multiple or single items, the CVP Everest and CVP Impack Packaging Systems offer automated solutions for e-commerce operations challenged by increasing order volumes, labour shortages and rising shipping costs. With installations in more than 13 countries, the CVP Automated Packaging Solutions effortlessly create, fill, fold and label each parcel in one seamless process – reducing package volumes by up to 50%, cutting cardboard usage by 30% and eliminating the need for void fill.
Biggest industry challenges
The eCommerce sector has experienced phenomenal growth in recent years and peak seasons are becoming more pronounced and more frequent. Capacity issues in despatch operations are becoming increasingly acute as volumes increase and labour resources become harder to come by, and adding to the concerns businesses face, consumers are now far more conscious of environmentally poor packaging and oversized boxes filled with void-fill. Businesses have the responsibility to make packaging as compact and environmentally efficient as possible and that means making packages exactly to the size of the order – waste is no longer acceptable to the consumer.