Exhibitor Q/A - Rollon
Can you please share a little bit about yourself with our visitors?
Rollon are a Manufacturer who produce linear motion systems.. Rails, Telescopics and Electric actuators. We are specialised and experts in what we do.
As a manufacturer, we are able to offer high end technical support and customisation for solutions that are optimised and fit for purpose.
It’s in our interest to understand our customer needs and be reactive, because we know that the better we can serve them, the more competitive they are and that help us.
Can you please tell us why you chose to exhibit at Robotics & Automation 2021?
We serve the automation industry and have done for over 40 years. Robotics & Automation is as a relevant platform to allow UK businesses to learn about what we have to offer, to engage with us and get to know who the people that will directly support their projects.
What do you feel are the biggest challenges facing the industry at the moment?
Automation is a complicated industry and there are many options from cartesian systems to anthropomorphic robots and more, but deciding which design will work, what is optimal and what is the best value investment to serve what is usually an undefined scope, can be really time consuming.
Companies that specialise and are able to offer personable, honest and knowledgeable products and services are needed to alleviate the pressures on engineers and system integrators in the spirit of a strong Automation community as a whole.